Thursday, March 24, 2011

History Repeats Itself.

BLARGH, here we go again with the stupid breast cancer awareness thing.  Except now, it's even more arbitrary and stupid.  Here is the event I was invited to on facebook, word for word:


okay ladies i thought this would be eaiser to pass along rather than sending it in message form. so follow along and lets see how big we can get this.... Invite all of ur girlfriends and lets see how far we get this to go.............
We are playing a game. Someone proposed that we GIRLS do something special on Facebook to help with Breast Cancer Awareness. Its easy, and Id like you to join us to help it spread. Last year it was... ...about writing the color of the bra that your were wearing in your Fb status and it left men wondering for days why the girls had random colors as their status. This year it has to do with your relationship status. You will where you are, by posting one of the codes below. Remember DO NOT REPLY,JUST POST IN YOUR STATUS ON YOUR WALL TO CONFUSE THE GUYS. Then invite all your female friends to join this event

Blueberry: Im single

Pinapple: its complicated

Raspberry: Im a touch and go woman

Apple: Engaged

Cherry: In a relationship

Banana: Im married

Avocado: Im the "other one"

Strawberry: Cant find the right one

Lemon: Wish i was single

Grape: wants to get married.

Passion fruit: Widowed

The bra game reached TV, lets get this one to do the same, and show everyone how powerful women are

Okay.  This is so much worse than whatever the hell it was last time.  This is just glorified spam, basically.  I love the part when it says, "JUST PUT IT ON YOUR WALL TO CONFUSE THE GUYS".  Really?  There are so many things wrong with this statement (and this entire thing).  Why the f*ck would we be trying to confuse the guys if we're trying to raise AWARENESS?  That's defeating the whole point and alienating them from the "cause".  Yeah, let's piss them off and see how much they'll want to help out.  Great idea.

Secondly, what the f*ck do relationships have to do with this whole thing?  This is getting more and more infuriating.  At least bras had SOMETHING to do with breasts.  This, like the whole bullsh!t that happened last time, has next to NOTHING to do with breast cancer.  Last time, you were supposed to say, "I like it [where my purse is]".  How embarrassing.  This is just ... ridiculous, it's another mindgame made by b!tches that make the rest of us women look bad.

Finally, the last sentence:  "The bra game reached TV, lets get this one to do the same, and show everyone how powerful women are".  There are so many things wrong with this.  Some cryptic bullsh!t facebook status does NOT show how powerful women are, it just shows how stupid some girls can be.  This is not how you really raise awareness.  And the whole point is for women to be strong by confusing men?  And the reward for this is television?  Maybe that last little part is good, that it will get to television--but then it'll only remind everyone that breast cancer exists.  That's it.

At the very least, whoever started this spam included links where people could ACTUALLY make a difference by donating to research or making some other positive contribution.  So that's one teeny good thing.

Honestly, I think this is blatantly disrespectful to all of the people who have been affected by breast cancer--those women who fought it, who are fighting it, or who, alongside with men, are working with others to find comfort and find a cure.  I think it is infuriating that breast cancer awareness has been utterly trivialized by some stupid facebook status game with the intent of it getting on tv by confusing men so much.  Breast cancer is not a joke, it is not a game, and it is not funny.  I also think that raising awareness is SO different from actually DOING something about it.  Like, yes, now breast cancer will be on everyone's mind but how many people are actually going to do something about it besides take an extra ten seconds to post some bullsh!t about fruit?  Also, someone's relationship status has NOTHING to do with breast cancer.  Dammit.  This should not be a contest, and it should not be a mindgame.

On top of all of this, how infuriating is it that the comment I posted on this event (stating that I thought it was bullsh!t for all of these reasons) got deleted the next day?  What a b!tch.

My best wishes for anyone and everyone who is afflicted with or affected by this disease.

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