Monday, October 15, 2012

Certain b!tches REALLY irritate me.

Note: this post was written within a span of 10 minutes, pretty straight out of my stream of consciousness and pretty much derived of pure rage.  Enjoy.

I'd like to think that I'm a reasonable person.  If I'm wrong about something and if someone politely points this out to me, usually I will apologize for it and admit my mistake.  I'm a big girl, right?

I f*cking hate it when CERTAIN b!tches (or a certain b!tch in particular) are "friends" with me on facebook, and then the only sort of interaction I ever get from them is a passive-aggressive "like" on someone else's comment when this someone else is fighting with me.  Seriously, b!tch?  You have nothing to say straight up to me, but you're going to be so passive-aggressive like that?

Sidenote: I realized that I made a mistake and apologized to this someone else, and that went well.

Honestly, I haven't talked to her, this certain b!tch, in maybe a few years .. the last time I talked to her in person was when I GAVE HER advice like the good person I try to be ... she also wants (wanted?  I don't know anymore, and I frankly don't give a sh!t AS LONG AS SHE DOESN'T END UP AT MINE) to go to medical school, but was too afraid/anxious of taking the MCAT.

B!tch, please.  There's bigger and scarier things out there than the f*cking MCAT.  That being said, I was also terrified, but, as I mentioned before, I'm a big girl.  And NO, I am not going to be sympathetic to that b!tch.  No.  If you can't get past the IDEA of the entrance exam ... well, that just speaks for itself.

OH she makes me so angry.  So terribly angry.  But I guess this ALL started six (that's right, six) years ago when she thought it wouldn't change our friendship if she started dating my (first) ex boyfriend.

Really, b!tch?  And when I told you it made me uncomfortable, you got MAD at me?  I wasn't going to be a b!tch and tell you how to run your life, but how could you even THINK for HALF a second that I would be perfectly okay with it to the point where I could openly discuss your new boyf as if nothing had happened?  Yes, I dumped him, but I don't think that makes a big difference.  It was my first.  It was difficult.  Would you have been okay if I started dating your first ex?

I thought I would be able to escape you when we went to college.  The University of Michigan is a big school, right?  Not f*cking big enough!  You were in half of my classes, sometimes even more ... but worst of all, HE was there with you too.  Ugh.  I saw the two of you for about half of the week, and you have no idea how uncomfortable it was.  I hadn't seen him since I broke up with him, pretty much, and it went from not seeing him for years to seeing him every other day.  How terrible.  It was even worse when we were in the same four hour labs together.  DAMMIT, how annoying.

And then it didn't help that I got shunned by our mutual friends in favor of you and him.  So much for MY friends.  So much for agreeing with me when I told them how much of a b!tch that you (and he) were, and then they would sit with you and ignore me?  Well, I guess they're not my friends either, and that's fine.  You f*cking people who think you have the right to get angry at me when I don't help you, but you think it's unreasonable when I get upset because I feel like you betrayed me?  Agree with me behind her back, but then in real life just hang out with her like nothing happened?  And leave me in the shadows?  F*ck you people, you are terrible lying b!tches.

Then, I felt like you, you certain b!tch, were my shadow.  Following me everywhere.  Always where I was.  I mean, we had the same major, had the same goals in life ... and for f*ck's sake, you pretty much took my ex-boyfriend.    Is ANY of this weird at all?  Ugh.  THEN I find out that you started volunteering at the clinic and effectively replaced me as the best volunteer, and THEN I find out that you decided to shadow a doctor IN THE SAME BUILDING as the one that I was shadowing.  TWO DOORS DOWN.  What the F*CK.  Creepy.  You go ahead and keep on taking everything I leave behind, and maybe you'll be half as "good" as me.  At least I'm not a total b!tch (because I'm not passive aggressive anymore!).  The only reason I'm not openly mentioning your name here is because this is written for the public and because I respect your confidentiality/identity, at the very least.

I should have cut you out of my life a long f*cking time ago.  That one passive-aggressive like on someone else's comment when this someone else was pseudo-arguing with me was the last straw.  You  NEVER had ANYTHING good or supportive to say.  It was always, oh I think my Kingdom Hearts record is better than yours, or no, I actually like Dr. Terrible Professor that Everyone Else Hated, or I totally agree with whoever's fighting with you.  I am so glad that you are out of my life, and that I removed YOU.  It took you five YEARS to apologize for yourself (admittedly once you did, I was relieved and thought, like a complete dumba$$, that our friendship had a chance), and that should have said enough.  You are a terrible friend and a terrible person, only out to steal information from me and to hurt me in the end.  I should have listened to my parents all of those years when they told me you were no good.  Good riddance, goodbye.

And please PLEASE don't get into medical school here.  For the love of everything good, please.  Good luck with your life.

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