Hello everyone! I hope you all had a very restful holiday. I'm still taking an exam every other week or so, and unfortunately it's getting harder and harder to write (even though I have SO many drafts that just need more time and polishing). But hey, I have 20 minutes to kill before I told myself I would start another block of studying, so whatever.
Anyway, today I noticed that people are really bad at ... moving. I know that sounds stupid, and I know I'm probably just easily irritated because I am back in the US, back away from my sweetheart, and back to the study grind ... but FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD, sometimes the way people MOVE just pisses me off.
Today, after another long day of classes and lectures, I stand up out of my seat in the lecture hall and move to the aisles so I can get out. Unfortunately, I can't get out because there's a clusterf*ck of people just standing there, idling, chatting, and not moving. And then what pisses me off EVEN MORE is that they take NO notice of the bajillions of people in coats and wearing backpacks, just waiting to GTFO. They just keep talking and loitering and flirting, and sometimes they even stand right in the f*cking doorway, and then come back inside the lecture hall when EVERYONE is just trying to leave. WTF. What are you doing?! JUST move out of my way, because I don't live down the street... I have a bus to catch that comes on a bullsh!t schedule (that admittedly isn't as strict as some others), and I want to get the hell out of this room that I've been in for almost the entire day and walk down the hill to the bus stop. Gosh. Why do people feel it necessary to just SLOWLY AMBLE out of a lecture hall and just block the "flow" of traffic? ESPECIALLY when there's like at least 20 people trying to leave? I was strongly reminded of my high school days and middle school days when people would just loiter in the hallways because it was cool, which would then obstruct traffic so badly that our school had to ban "loitering."
And then once the people finally DO get out, I find that I'm always stuck in some congested hallway where the people walking in front of me are walking just slightly faster than my grandmother. Seriously. I walk fast enough to the point where I feel like I'm tailgating you, but just walking instead of being in a car ... but you don't even notice that I'm RIGHT behind you, moving from left to right, trying to get past your pack of friends. Nope, don't bother to look behind you, there's never going to be anyone behind you who's in a rush or anything. Nope. It's a good thing I'm small, because it's much easier for me to sneak through.
Here's something I really don't understand--why the F*CK do people refuse to walk DOWN an escalator?! I mean, I can understand not walking down one because you legitimately have a problem with stairs, or because you're basically immobilized by your rolling luggage or something else like that, but if you really have nothing ... why can't you WALK DOWN the escalator? You're not even walking UP the escalator (and it still bothers me when people don't do that). RAGE. I get to stand in a line while the escalator moves slowly, adding more and more time between when I'm at school and when I arrive home.
After I finally get out of the building, I get to look forward to the pleasure (ughhhh) of riding the overcrowded bus home. Sure, I have a huge problem with overcrowded buses, but something that I really don't understand is how bus passengers position themselves. Seriously, you know that when you turn around with your huge backpack while I'm sitting down near you, you literally just hit me in the face, right? No? Okay ... well maybe instead of arbitrarily standing as close to the door as possible, you could just move to the back of the bus or take one of the many available seats and make it a little bit easier for people to get out WHILE AT THE SAME TIME not hitting me in the face. Maybe we should just have double decker buses or something.
And I finished with five minutes to spare. Enjoy the rest of your evening, everyone. =_= Back to studying.
-_- I was so angry ... haha