Friday, August 26, 2011

Some People are like Mules

, in the sense that they can be really stubborn and stupid.

Some news-radio station broke the tensed silence between my mother and myself during the drive up to work this morning.  Apparently there is a wide scale of mandatory evacuations along the east coast because of the impending destruction of Hurricane Irene.  Despite this, there were reports of several people saying that they were going to stay in their homes or still do whatever they want because they didn't want to leave until they absolutely had to (despite the fact that these evacuations are deemed mandatory).

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Brownie Parties and the Never-Ending Goodbye

Everyone who's brown (at least, to my knowledge) knows what I'm going to say here.  I'm going to talk about the legendary goodbye that seems to last for an eternity when you don't want it to (or comes too suddenly when you just started to have fun ... but this is usually the exception to the rule).

Usually, people stand at the doorway for half an hour or so and just talk.  You know, at this point, the parents have pulled their children away from their friends, gotten everyone to put on their shoes or jackets, blah blah blah.  The door is open, but the screen door is still closed... and this is where the problem begins.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hormone Therapy or Anger Management?

Going home is impossible.  I hate it.  It is never a good thing.  It is the roller coaster from hell that I cannot get off of.  I miss it so much when I leave, but when I come back I realize how much I hate it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Mother's Strange Behavior

Lately my mother has been either supremely pleasant or supremely unpleasant.  She'll laugh at everything or make jokes at me ... and then she'll get SO angry with me that she'll stop speaking to me for a couple of days.

She gets angry unreasonably, and then refuses to discuss the problem or why she's angry.  My dad and I will ask her periodically throughout a day what the problem is, but we'll end up giving up because she says, "Oh, me?  I don't have a problem!  You probably have a problem!"  And then it is all downhill from there.  Nothing gets solved because, apparently, she has no problems.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Stupid Drivers--More Road Rage

A couple nights ago, I was driving in an unknown area and I was driving slowly because it was dark and I was looking for a specific street sign.  I noticed a light glow of light in my rearview mirror, but it was strangely light.  Headlights would have blinded me, but this didn't.

I realized that it was a car that was driving so close behind mine that I couldn't see its headlights in my rearview mirror.  What the f*ck.  Seriously?  That's ridiculously dangerous.  There's only one lane for you to legally drive in, so I can understand that you might be annoyed that I'm going slowly ... but to tailgate me that badly is nothing short of dangerous.

I guess these people just got way too pissed off at me, because they decided to cross the double yellow line, swerve in front of me, pollute my air with their bullsh!t young people music (yes, I said that, and yes, I consider myself to be above the "popular" music on the radio), and flick me off.  Get this--the person who gave me the finger was in the back seat.

AUGH.  WHAT a bunch of a$$holes.  I hate b!tches like that.  Calm the f*ck down, I wanted to yell out my window.  I wanted to scream, YEAH, well learn how to drive before you do that, b!tches.  ARGH.

Another story that makes me SO angry:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I think I hate the Secretary of State.

I am about to have an important birthday (heh), so I needed to renew my license.

I went to the Secretary of State.  By the time I left, at least 40 minutes had passed.  How long did it actually take to renew my license?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunscreen is Horsesh!t.

Hmm ... you might be wondering why I would even write this post, because I'm as brown as milk chocolate.  Why would I even need to wear sunscreen?

Well, the real answer is that I HATE getting dark.  I think it's interesting that in America, tan-ness is considered super attractive while everywhere else in the world, the fairer you are, the more beautiful you are. Perhaps it's my culture that has taught me to hate getting dark (could be completely true), or perhaps it's just that when I'm out in the sun for that long, my skin literally feels like it's burning (because I'm so dark.  Imagine wearing dark clothes on a sunny day!  That's how hot I feel when I'm in the sun.).  Or maybe it could be that my parents consistently comment on my skin color, especially in the summer time.

I darken fast without sunscreen, so I wear sunscreen anytime I know I'm going to be outside for extended periods of time.  I wore sunscreen constantly during my stay in the motherland, and I still got darker.  I also wore sunscreen during a recent camping trip just so that I could stave off darkening any more.  What was the first thing that my parents said when I got home after a week of canoeing and camping?