Friday, February 1, 2013

Oops, I forgot, let me reschedule... Nope.

And today, I have had to wait an unnecessary amount of time due to the tardiness or absence of a facilitator for what is AT THE VERY LEAST the sixth time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

People Traffic

Hello everyone!  I hope you all had a very restful holiday.  I'm still taking an exam every other week or so, and unfortunately it's getting harder and harder to write (even though I have SO many drafts that just need more time and polishing).  But hey, I have 20 minutes to kill before I told myself I would start another block of studying, so whatever.

Anyway, today I noticed that people are really bad at ... moving.  I know that sounds stupid, and I know I'm probably just easily irritated because I am back in the US, back away from my sweetheart, and back to the study grind ... but FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING GOOD, sometimes the way people MOVE just pisses me off.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Let's gain some perspective.

Hey, everyone!  I hope that you all have been doing fine.  I'm really sorry I haven't been able to write lately, but I have a LOT of drafts because in the time that I haven't written, there have been a LOT of things that have been pissing me off.  So, you know, nothing new.

Last year, I was basically living with my boyfriend.  It was awesome.  I got to see him almost every day, we got to spend so much time together cooking and playing video games and talking, laughing ... I really miss the life I used to have when I was back in Michigan.  Anyway, I went from seeing my better half every day to ... pretty much cutting him cold turkey.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Certain b!tches REALLY irritate me.

Note: this post was written within a span of 10 minutes, pretty straight out of my stream of consciousness and pretty much derived of pure rage.  Enjoy.

I'd like to think that I'm a reasonable person.  If I'm wrong about something and if someone politely points this out to me, usually I will apologize for it and admit my mistake.  I'm a big girl, right?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Animal Testing: More important than you think

Before I say anything, let me first emphasize that this post is NOT a PERSONAL attack.  I did have a couple of conversations within the last couple of weeks that inspired this post, but this is NOT personal.  I just really wanted to document my feelings and leave it for open discussion.

Context 1:  (I guess I got de-friended for this, but here you go.)  Someone had posted this picture, legitimately thinking that this was a good idea.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ungrateful B!tches

I'm hitting a HUGE wall in studying for my first exam of medical school, so instead of continuing to cry because I feel so unprepared, I'm going to write a blog post.

I am so f*cking sick of people who are ungrateful.  I am sick of these people who are so full of their own sh!t and who are so centered on themselves that they don't even notice the plight of others around them.

Now, before someone jumps down my throat:
-I used to be a whiny b!tch, but I selectively whine about things now, as evidenced by this blog
-I understand people whining about small and stressful things, but ... just read the rest of my post.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Academic Enhancement

Hello, everyone.  I'm sorry for the delay in posting--I was doing so well for a while, but I moved to Pittsburgh and I just started my first year of medical school.  Yipes.

With the beginning of this part in my life comes a lot of anxieties.  I'm going to miss my better half too much.  How will I make any good friends who actually care about me?  Will I be able to stay afloat and maintain my sanity?  Why can't I stop my roommate's dog from leaving presents in my bedroom?

Well, the one thing I am terrified about is staying afloat, in an academic sense.  First of all, I will just have to get used to the fact that I am no longer going to be at the top of my class.  I just hope that I'm not more towards the bottom, because that would be disappointing for me.  Perhaps I've been spoiled, but I'm used to always doing well and being towards the top.  I need to adjust my expectations, because I know I'm with a lot of people who are more intelligent than me.  I feel even worse because I wasn't accepted outright; I was pulled off of the waitlist pretty late.  Le sigh.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Brown Time Paradox

Hey, everybody!  I hope you are having a good summer.  I haven’t written in a while because I’ve been lazy, but I’ve got a couple of good posts coming up… and a few of them are from this awful vacation my family and I took to Cape Cod, MA.

Before I say anything else, don’t assume that I’m just some ungrateful little b!tch who is so spoiled that she doesn’t even enjoy going on family vacations.  Or better yet, don’t assume that I’m spoiled because my parents “care” about me enough to include me on a FAMILY vacation.  I’m sure I would have enjoyed going to Cape Cod more if I would have gone with my boyfriend.  At least he likes doing exciting things that are not inherently touristy, but I guess these problems will be addressed in an upcoming post.

Monday, July 9, 2012

"So, this is the thanks I get for working 'overtime.'"

What a day.  What an incredibly frustrating day.  I had so much rage on that day.

Of course, at a real job, I wouldn't dream of going on Facebook or any other website I could get into trouble for unless I was on my lunch break or unless I was certain that no one was going to be around.  After my years of experience with working at the library, I am more inclined to say that it is not a "real" job.  The stuff I do does not require my full attention during the whole shift, and there are sometimes very long stretches where NOTHING happens.

I hardly ever use Facebook while I'm at the library.  I know that it's not a responsible thing for me to do, but here's why I'm writing about how angry I am that I got in trouble for it:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Text me, baby.

Sorry for the semi-lame post, but I'm on holiday!

I have a lot of interesting text messages on my phone that I don't want to delete, but that I should for memory's sake.  Haha.  Phone memory.  But I'm writing the texts up here for my own memory.

I did use first names, and I hope that's okay with everyone.

P.S.  Good thing I did this before my phone died ... because it died last week!