Friday, April 1, 2011

Housing Troubles

Okay, I'm getting REALLY f*cking tired of landlords.  Or should I say, my former landlords.  They sold the house and apparently we have a new "landlord" ... who I have yet to meet.

Long story short, we finally went to go see a lawyer and she discovered that the house we have been living in has not been inspected by the city for three years.  On top of that, their certificate of occupancy was expired. The lawyer said it had been expired for three years.  The property management company hired by my former landlords said it was only expired for three months.  Oh, so that makes it okay?  F*cking b!tches.

WTF.  F*ck you guys.  In how many ways must you rip us off?  I hate this.

And NOW we find out we're not getting all of our security deposit back ... which is ridiculous because we have done NO DAMAGE to the house.  They will be getting back to us shortly with an itemized list of deductions, apparently ... but I don't even know WHAT would be on this f*cking list.  Seriously.  We gave the dining room a fresh coat of paint (that they approved of); this is the only modification we've made to the house.  I have no idea why they think it's okay to just take this money.

I want to get them into trouble so badly.  They have lied to us so many times, they have been such a hassle, and they have been conducting illegal business.  Why is it so impossible for people to be honest?  Where is the justice?  Why do I feel like everyone is looking to take advantage of me because they think I'm just some dumb b!tch college student who doesn't know anything about anything.  Okay, if something seems fishy, I will investigate it, and I will try my absolute hardest to get you into trouble.

For all the winter months I have suffered through, I want a rent credit.  NOW.  For all of the shit I have put up with, for all of this illegal bullshit, and now for unreasonably taking some of my security deposit, I want you in trouble.  NOW.  I am so sick of your bullsh!t.  Once you bastards were out of our lives, we didn't think we'd ever have to deal with you anymore.  Unfortunately, it just keeps getting worse.

A note to any college students out there: DO NOT TRUST RENTERS WHO ARE NOT PART OF A COMPANY.  Companies are usually reputable and have way higher standards than some dumba$$ couple who's looking to rip innocent people off without caring what kind of laws they are breaking.

Ugh.  And this new property management company has just been f*cking around with us too.  The realtor guy keeps telling us to clean up our house, like a father scolding his children.  UGHH.  And when we got angry at him for refusing to answer our questions, he turned it up against us and told us that we were being ridiculous.   Well, what kind of a reaction do you expect when you suddenly spring it on us that you are going to be doing heavy renovations on our property during April?  After finding out we went to the lawyers, this realtor was furious and demanding that we pay rent as soon as possible in order to renovate the house.  (This has been somewhat resolved, as he has now said that he won't start anything without our permission ... pshhhh.)

Dammit, I'm just so tired of all of these mindgames and disrepect.  I'm considered an adult and I should be treated as such.  No one would be messing with my parents like that.  Why do you think it's okay to mess with me?  B!tches.


  1. I think there's some sort of student legal council that you can get a hold of and they can look over your case for free. You should take them to court. That would be awesome and a pretty good learning experience into the legal court system. But you would also have to have a lot of time on your hands...which you might not have.

  2. Oh wow, I hadn't seen this until now. Well, we did actually get involved with Student Legal Services, and we are trying to work things out. However, they are not really efficient and are really slow to get back with us on anything, which makes me feel like I'm not going to end up getting any rent credit (even though I deserve one). =_=
