Friday, July 15, 2011


Let me start out by saying that I have not called anyone any names, or said anything mean to anybody about this.  Let it also be known that these are my opinions and that I am entitled to have them.

I am so sick of everyone posting about Harry Potter, and how OMG IT'S THE END OF EVERYTHING.  This is not directed at just one person, but it is simply my unfocused frustration at the flood of statuses about Harry Potter I received.  I can understand attachment to the movies or whatever, and I can understand crying during the movie when people died  ... but I feel mildly annoyed by everyone who's saying, "my childhood is finally over now," and crying about it.

Dude.  Childhood started to be over when you started sprouting hair in all sorts of places, your voice dropped or your cans came in, and when you had to shower so that you wouldn't smell like doom.  Childhood was really over when you were done with high school, at the very least.  I don't understand why people feel like they needed Harry Potter to end for them to realize that they were growing up.  It's almost as though everyone else was in denial about adulthood.  Yes, it happened.  Time goes on.  You are moving on to bigger and better things (hopefully).

Although I don't disrespect those "die-hard" fans, I do want to say that I hate those movies.  I really do.  They were not that great, and anyone who respected the story of Harry Potter would realize that.  It's just another gimmick to siphon away money from people, at this point.  I don't know.  I guess I'd like to hope that there aren't any people who ONLY watched the movies and are whining about the series ending now.  I'd like to believe that people appreciated the books waaay more than they are giving credit to these films.

I appreciate people's spirit and enthusiasm, but at the same time, I want to tell them something.  YOUR CHILDHOOD was GONE a LONG time ago.  AND, on top of that, it's not over!  There's that new Harry Potter universe or whatever.  You can go there for as long as you want, and still enjoy this.  OR you can just reread the books over and over again!  It never has to be over.

That is all.  Juuuuust tired of seeing so many people whine about these movies, and then proceed to give me sh!t for holding the dissenting opinion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the entry and you're right about childhood having ended a long time ago. And yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, I still feel that if someone's opinion is negative, they don't necessarily need to express it to everyone. I'm sorry that you felt that people were polluting your feed with the new movie and all, but that's what most people do on Facebook. Anyways, I was happy to see almost all of my friends excited about one thing (even if I wasn't one of the fans who went to see the movie last night). I don't love everything people like either (random example: Transformers), but I let them enjoy whatever makes them happy rather than trying to convince them that what they like is "shit-tastic."

  3. I never tried to convince people that the movies are sh!t-tastic. Just because I believe this doesn't mean I wast trying to impose my opinion on anyone else. I don't know what you think, but I don't go personally attacking people who disagree with how I feel about something. And I guess I'm really tired of feeling like I could "get in trouble" any time I open my mouth and be honest about how I feel.

    I can express my "negative" opinion if I please. That's what this whole blog is about, basically. Sometimes I try to make it funny, and sometimes I'm legitimately furious. The bottom line is that on here, I try to express my opinion without being offensive. This is honestly how I feel about what Harry Potter has turned into, and I stand behind what I said. I'm not going to apologize for any of it.

  4. hahaha my sister is one of those people that ONLY watch the movies and then complain about the series endering
    i know smh

  5. WHAT, she never read the books?! WTF, DOOD. She needs to read the books because that is the REAL sh!t.
