It's been a while since I've written. I am super bad at updating, apparently, so I'm going to spend today working on a bunch of posts so that I can really try to update weekly!
Now, this story has been on my mind for a couple of months, but it still really irritates me. My real friends already know about this story, but here it is.
Back when I was doing a crazy job search, I was looking for anything to do so that I could save up some money during my down time before med school. I applied anywhere that had a "Help Wanted" sign posted in the window. I found out that my friend's mother was the manager/owner of a favorite sushi place in town, Totoro. I loved to eat at this place, and I thought it would be so cool to be able to experience working as a waitress there.
Eventually, I did start my job there as the complete bottom of the bottom. I was a waitress with zero prior experience. I guess they really must have been desperate (or the manager must have really liked my friend). Let me just say that I no longer eat at Totoro because they have upset me in many ways. I had an insider's look for a total of two days. TWO days. That's it.
The first day that I got there, I got started making soups and salads RIGHT away. And when I say RIGHT away, let me remind you that the manager took me to the food RIGHT away, before even letting me wash my hands. After I had done one or two salads (ripping up the lettuce by hand), she instructed me to "always wash my hands first"... and then held her hands under some cold running water. Not even hot water, but COLD water. AUGH. How is that sanitary at all? Oh, I am never eating their salads again. Ew. I wouldn't eat a salad I ripped up with my own bare and unwashed hands, jeebus.
And speaking of unsanitary, they possessed NO dishwasher. Well, they had a dishwasher, and he listened to Spanish radio in the back while he hand-washed ALL the dishes. What I'm saying is that there was no dishwasher to dry and sanitize the sh!t out of those dishes. Ew.
All of the grossness aside, the management was terrible. They were completely disorganized. Instead of having a steady schedule, or an online schedule, or even a schedule in print that all the employees could check, they just decided to call and give really short notice. Once, I got a call while I was still asleep to see if I could come in later that day. Are you f*cking kidding me? You're giving me less than a day's notice for a shift at work? Seriously? Naturally, I missed one of these shifts, and I'm sure that didn't help my reliability at all. The head waiter I was working under was working 60 hours a week and looked like sh!t because he was so overworked.
I wanted more hours, and I was sure that he wanted less, so right after my second shift ended, I asked him if I was going to have more hours the next week. He said, sure, and he said that I would probably have about 30 hours next week. I was so excited to be working a lot, but I was also not looking forward to how exhausted I was going to be. All of that didn't matter, though. I came back the next time they hastily called me in, and then I was told to wait for one of the other workers to get here. As soon as he got here, he told me that I didn't have to come in anymore. WTF. I got fired. Two days later, I was fired. He told me I could come in later that week to pick up my check.
Later that week, when I went to go pick up my check, it was somehow nowhere to be found. I had to then come back another week later, and finally I got to take my check for about $50.
ARGH. That was one of the stupidest work experiences ever. At least I can maybe say that I was a waitress, once upon a time? Haha. Still, that was terrible. I can't stand it when employers are disorganized and when businesses are so sketchy. Eugh. That place is never getting my business again!
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