Thursday, March 8, 2012

Best Break Ever.

This vacation was a fantastic way to celebrate with my friends, relax, and to close off my college career.  I had been dreaming of a vacation like this for years and years:  one with no parents, one with a boyfriend, one to a foreign country, one with sunshine and warm weather, one with natural beauty ... ah.  So much perfection in this vacation.

Of course, with perfection comes (although slight and pretty much negligible and probably funny) imperfections, if that even makes sense.  Of course, I already have told the story of getting pulled over by the cops and other driving screw-ups... but that was before the REAL vacation began.
Interesting things happened while we were on that cruise.  The second night on the ship was the formal night, so I wore something that may have been a little bit too over the top...
My sweetheart and myself during dinnertime.

In my defense, the last time I went on a cruise, some b!tches were wearing prom dresses!  But hey, my dress matched the dinner, right?
That night, because I was dressed so nicely, I was addressed as "Princess" by several of the staff members on board.  Little did I know that, somehow, my new nickname would stick with me.  The next day, the servers called me "Princess."  At a different breakfast, a different waiter called me "Princess."  The strangest one was when I wasn't even on the boat and when we were just about to leave Cozumel.  We were rushing back to the port, running through Mexico Customs, when suddenly, I hear, "Tequila for you, Princess?"

YARGH.  See, this wouldn't have been so weird ... but none of the other girls in our group had any sort of special nickname ... and why the hell did that dude in Customs call me that?  Maybe it's because I'm brown?  I don't know.  It was just a little creepy, but not the creepiest thing that happened.

Lots of strange things happened while we were in Mexico.  We had decided to spend the day at a beach resort that was absolutely gorgeous:
Lovely resort!  Mr. Sancho's, Cozumel, Mexico.
While I was in the clear blue water, I noticed something dark near my feet.  As I felt it with my foot, I imagined it to be a flip flop.  I picked it up with my toes, transferred it to my hand, and as its image got clearer I realized that this was no f*cking flip flop.

It was a rotten fish.  I picked up a rotten fish and it had the feel of a rubbery flip flop.  EWWW.  It was nasty.

Naturally, I drank a bunch of tequila to forget that.  Haha, well, that's not entirely true, but we did go to a very lovely authentic restaurant called "La Mission," where we ended up getting two rounds of free tequila shots after purchasing a round ourselves.  The only price we had to pay for those "free" rounds was humiliation:
Yikes... but still totally worth it.
The waiter had come out bringing one unopened bottle of Hornitos, one can of 7Up, and one shot glass.  He went around the table, serving us individually.  He placed a napkin on our head, a metal bowl on top of that, and would then pour a shot of mostly tequila topped with a little bit of 7Up.  He would then hit the shot glass on the metal bowl--1, 2, 3 times, then SLAM the shot glass down on the table.  WHile the bubbles were still coming up, we would shoot.  While we were shooting, he would cover our faces and shake our heads.  Hahaha, it was worth it.

Finally, as a result of getting extremely drunk off of three tequila shots at dinner, I almost broke the law for the second time during this vacation.  It was no big deal--I walked out of a souvenir shop with a $30 dress, and then was asked to return it.  Damn them, trying to rob me of that much money.  It was a gorgeous dress, but seriously?  $30?!  That dress probably cost $3 to make ... but I suppose touristy places like that do rely on tourists buying overpriced souvenirs so that they can make a living.

WELL, overall, this was a really fun trip.  I am so glad I got to have all of these silly stories to tell, I'm so fortunate to have wonderful friends and a wonderful sweetheart, and I am happy I got a little taste of paradise.

For those of you who read this blog to laugh at my expense, don't worry.  I have a few posts pending that would surely make you giggle.

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