Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beerio Kart is JUST A GAME.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while!  It's finals time over here, and it's crazy.  Which means that lately, I've been living in the library trying to cram every little detail into my brain in hopes that I can successfully regurgitate it.  I usually don't spend much time there, but it didn't take me long to realize that there are complete idiots in my midst.  Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions, please realize that I am not even talking about being an idiot in an academic context.  Sure, there are people who don't know how to learn in school, but I don't care about that.  That's not my problem.

Why are these other idiots my problem?

Right now, I'm sitting two seats down from where I was sitting a week ago.  And at that time, there were these two girls sitting across from me, talking really loudly about their stupid social lives or whatever.  I sit politely, with my headphones in, trying not to disturb people while these two b!tches are laughing and gossiping in the library.

Their high-pitched voices were suddenly interrupted by a ringing cell phone.  (In the library?  Seriously.)  B!tch #1 picks up her phone and speaks SO LOUDLY that I am considering taking out my sound-diminishing headphones and telling her to shut up.  Before I can do that, I can't believe what she says to the mystery person on the other line.

"Oh, yeah, like, I did end up drunk driving that night... [laughs] Yeah, I can't believe I, like, knocked out one of my headlights!  I am SO pissed because I, like, have to buy two headlights because they only come in pairs.  Yeah, I know, it's like so much money.  Ughh."

I really can't believe that there are people like that who attend my university.  How can people be so self-absorbed in their stupid lives?  She doesn't care that she could have killed someone, herself, or that she broke the law.  The most important thing to her was the money she would have to pay because she damaged her car.

It's moments like these that really make me question the value of humanity.  If we value don't value others, or even ourselves, then why do we deserve such luxuries?  Why does this girl still get to drive?  Who the hell are her friends and why were they irresponsible enough to let her drive drunk (while still responsible enough to check up on her and see what happened after that one crazy night)?  Goddammit.  Someone could have died ... and no one cares.  The only real important thing is the freaking headlight.

Dammit, I hope that b!tch learns a lesson (without killing anyone).  Why don't people have morals anymore?!

Thoughts?  Feel free to leave any comments!

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