Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not all doctors are stupid, I promise.

Hey, everyone.  It's been a while since I updated.  I hope everyone had a nice holiday.

Winter is beginning to rear its ugly head here in Michigan, and as a result people are transforming into disease carriers.  They are mercilessly spreading illness through the student population with each and every cough or sniffle that echoes through a lecture hall.  Gross.  Some illnesses are more serious than others, and the unfortunate people who happen to catch some really nasty bug have no helpful option except to drag themselves out to the doctor--a magical person in a white coat who deals out drugs and other miraculous remedies.

But what happens when whatever the doctor suggested doesn't work?

Oh, so now this person who you hoped will make you feel better has turned into the biggest moron.  Suddenly, all doctors are idiots who don't know sh!t and just hand out whatever pills to send you away.  Sure, that person who wasted away for years in medical school is absolutely unqualified now, and you were just better off staying at home or doing something else or whatever.

But really, what would you have done?  Or what did you do when the first doctor didn't do what you wanted?  You probably went to another one.  Because what else can you do?  Do you think you are more qualified than a doctor to make medical diagnoses, or to prescribe the proper medications, or whatever else?

So many people blame doctors for why their ailments have not magically disappeared, and this is unreasonable.  Doctors are not idiots.  I don't know why so many people think that all doctors are ignorant airheads.  Actually, they are very educated people.  They've been in school for how many years?  12+4+5 --> at least 21 years?  Those last 5 are hugely important.  But yes, they've been in school for a LONG time.  And more often than not, they actually use their best judgment to help you.

Yeah, sometimes they do end up being wrong.  But they are doctors, NOT psychics.  Go see a psychic if you are so dissatisfied because you are still sick or hurting or whatever and you think your doctor is too much of a dumba$$ to help you.

You know, there are MANY doctors out there, so it is possible to go out and get a second opinion!  It is probably your job as a patient to get one, especially if you don't trust in your doctor.

Before people go straight for my throat, let it be known that I am aware of malpractice, and I am aware of doctors who are actually bad and don't do the job in the best way possible.  However, this is not always the case.  Not all malpractice cases were actually the doctor's intent or due to the doctor's sloppiness--sometimes things go wrong and the situation cannot be helped.  Doctors are not magical.  They, too, are people, and not everything is in their control.

Unfortunately, the whole medical system has been eaten by big business and regurgitated up as a giant trap for everyone involved.  Patients may have limited options, and a malpractice lawsuit is seen as their only way to fix any problems that supposedly arose as a result of treatment.  As a result, the priorities of doctors have had to change to accommodate for this.  No longer can they really do what they think is the best option; the issue of malpractice is always lingering in a corner of their minds.  They have to follow the books, although it is obvious that not everybody is a textbook case.  They may have to do procedures that could be unnecessary, but are more for the sake of prevention than treatment (such as an episiotomy, or a C-section).  It is impossible to say whether a preventive procedure was actually necessary or not, but doctors have to be as careful as possible so they don't get sued.

Ideally, people would be less selfish and be a bit more empathetic--but of course, people are not this way.  Doctors and patients alike can be caught into bad situations that are completely out of their control, and it doesn't mean that doctors are stupid and careless.  It means that we are all just people.

Note:  I think I should try to update regularly.  -_-  Stupid school, getting in my way.

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