Friday, June 24, 2011

Shallowness Transcends All!

And I thought commercials in the US were ridiculous...

They still are.  But some of these commercials here are absolutely retarded.

There is a commercial that starts out with the woman waiting for her husband to come home, and he does--and walks past her totally disinterested.  There are a few more interactions like this--she sits on the couch and he just totally ignores her, etc.  Ugh.  And she's so sad (hell, it'd make me sad too)... so what does she do?

She goes into the bathroom and pulls out
a box of black hair dye ... you know, to dye her ALREADY black hair.  Of course, she emerges somehow so much more gorgeous, and her hair is super wonderful... and her man suddenly notices her.  The happy couple is back in business.  Ugh.

Okay, and then there's this other commercial.  Oh hey, my forearm is so much lighter than the rest of my arm! How embarrassing.  I know, I'm going to buy some skin bleach so that I can be super beautiful!  Yayy, now I'm white and pretty!

ACK.  How lame.  I mean ... the worst part is that I'm actually TEMPTED to buy this stuff because I feel like I turned SO ridiculously dark over here (and I've been here for what, less than a week?!).  No, but seriously, your forearms ARE SUPPOSED to be lighter than the rest of your arms!  That's just the way things are!

These commercials are on ALL the time, and it really irritates me--ESPECIALLY the hair dye thing.  That girl was so pretty, and her man ignored her because of her HAIR?  I mean, I understand you have a product to sell, but sh!t, don't give people that kind of idea.  Personally, I don't think I will dye my hair when it turns grey, given that it doesn't change within the next ten years (haha).  My mom constantly boasts she doesn't have gray hair (and that's because she plucks it all out!).  Eh.  I don't think it's THAT big of a deal, but I understand why people want to keep their youthful appearance.  That commercial was just absurd, though.  Ugh.

Okay, perhaps I'm just unnecessarily cranky because it's hot, I am literally stuck to this couch, and these commercials are annoying as f*ck.

See you all later.

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