Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stupidity: Is it Genetic?

Sorry I haven't written in a while, audience.  Last week was my medical school interview tour, so I was away.  I appreciate that you stick around and read the things that I write!

At some point during our 20 or so total hours of drive time, my father shared a "dumb-a$$ drivers" story.  Well, during those 20 hours, I got to see a LOT of dumb-a$$ driving ... OH my gosh.  And people say that Michigan drivers are psychopaths?  TOTALLY false.  I'm talking like 85 in a 55... WHY DON'T THESE PEOPLE GET TICKETS?!??  Anyway, the story goes like this:

My mother was riding as a passenger with a co-worker to some conference or something like that.  This driver, a full-fledged adult, pulls out her cell phone and sends text messages WHILE driving.  My mom, getting concerned, asks her who is so important to text while driving.  Who was it?

The woman's daughter ... WHO IS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL.  Apparently she has learned the keys of her keyboard well enough to text secretly during class while keeping her phone in her jacket.

What the f*ck.  There are SO many things wrong with this scenario.  First of all, why does your middle-school aged child even HAVE a phone?  What a f*cking brat.  You're 12 or something like that, you DO NOT need a cell phone.  Second of all, why does her phone have a full-on keyboard?  Spoiled!  Thirdly, why is she texting during class?  Or why is the mother texting her back?!  Of course there are some exceptions, but I suppose neither party should be texting so that the mother is careless and the child continuously breaks rules.  A child should not text in class and a mother should not encourage this by texting back, especially while she is driving with someone else in the car!  If you're going to be stupid, at least don't be stupid enough to endanger other people who are totally innocent.

Another point: what is the point of texting someone if you have to keep your phone in your jacket?  I mean, I guess she obviously reads it at some point ... but what the f*ck.  This whole story is just absolutely retarded.  A stupid and careless mother teaching her daughter to be just as stupid and careless?  How perfect.  What a spectacular parenting style.  I'm going to be the most awesome cool mom by buying you a phone while you're ridiculously young and then indirectly encouraging you to break the rules and text during class.

Hey, lady, you're raising a real winner.  Then again, you too are a real winner.  Hah.  I have to say that I would have no sympathy for the child if she got a detention for texting (at my HIGH school, it was an automatic detention for any phone that was visible, EVEN if it was off), and I would also have no sympathy for the mother if she got into a terrible car accident.  You dumb-a$$ b!tches should NOT be doing either of these things.

/rant.  See you soon.  Also, I know I keep talking about having a photo post about my trip to Sri Lanka ... but I guess I'm saving that for a time when I am temporarily out of ideas/sh!t to b!tch about.

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