I know that a lot of people talk about how they hate their landlords, and I didn't know how people could be so frustrated by them until now.
I am a junior in college right now, and after living in the dorms for the past two years I decided to get a house off-campus with a bunch of my friends (who I now have come to almost hate at times, as a consequence). Not knowing what we were really doing, we were terrible at looking for suitable houses, judging the quality of the house, as well as judging the distance from campus.
Unfortunately, we failed in doing all of these things. Our house is OLD. And OLD means COLD.
Michigan may be somewhat unpredictable, but it definitely is COLD in the wintertime. Our house is over a mile away from campus, so just getting to class is an absolute pain.
We also didn't realize that our landlords would be such assholes.
Mr. and Mrs. My Landlords are awful people. You think they're really nice, and they are--right up until you sign the lease. After you have signed your soul away, the personalities completely turn around. Even though she claims to be a high school teacher, she has no English skills whatsoever. Her sentences don't make any sense in her e-mails, and calling her is even worse because instead of admitting her responsibilities she will try to put the conversation onto you by telling you what your responsibilities are. Her greed is too obvious; she doesn't let her gorilla handyman bean pole husband handle the rent check. Instead, she always sends him out to do her dirty work. After he fixes something, he usually leaves the broken parts or the wrappings or whatever right wherever the "repair" was done. They are quite the duo.
We thought that since they were a married couple and not a big company, they would be more personable and probably more lenient, blah blah blah. The truth was far from that. The wife, who will not be named, is an absolute b!tch. She is a liar. I HATE her. We were supposed to move in on September 1st, but she made us move in on August 31st. Why? Because she couldn't make the time that she herself had set on the freaking lease. Even on the first day of our move-in, she had started to break her promises.
Things went from bad to worse. When we got there, the place was disgusting. Dustbunnies everywhere. Spiderwebs everywhere. Dust on everything, the ugliest furniture we had ever seen (that was DEFINITELY not the furniture they said we would get), a barely functioning shower, and even more. We walked across the wooden floor and our socks became ridiculously dirty. The doors were held together with duct tape and planks. The couch's arms had ripped, and stuffing was gushing out. What was her excuse?
She had tried so hard to get us in a day early, just like how we had wanted it. And that was the reason the place was so dirty ... even though she supposedly hired a cleaning company. Oh, that's okay, she'll just get the company to come in tomorrow ...
... and by the company, she must have meant two ladies wearing sunglasses and bandannas, using a mop and bucket as their only weapons against dirt.
GOD, she is just TERRIBLE. There have been SO many instances like this when she has just flat out LIED about things. And usually she sends out her oaf like husband to do her dirty work and fix whatever breaks. He is the most half-assed "handyman" I have ever seen. Seriously. When he "fixed" our garbage disposal, he just pulled out everything that was in it, left it on our counter, and left. He "fixed" our toilet and left the wet rag on my sink. ON MY SINK.
Now that we've told them we will not be living with them, the situation has gotten so much worse. I thought she was a pain in the ass before, but she's so much more than that now. She has accused us of lying before, she has broken the lease again by not giving us notice before showing our house or taking photographs, etc. And this is how they reel those poor bastards in. They show the potential renters pictures of the house with our beautiful furniture in it, neglect to tell them that my bedroom (the master bedroom) is an add-on and therefore is not connected to central heating, forget about the fact that the water pressure is nearly nonexistent, etc.
I really hate them. I really wish I could warn the people who saw our house yesterday. I wish I could tell them to get out while they still can, because it's amazing how two-faced people can really be.
Wow, this was a long post ... and to think I've only been living there for less than 3 months ... -_-
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