Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dear Department Store,

Get your act together, please.  Please learn how to have your clothing items properly labeled so that when I take something into the fitting room labeled 'small', it doesn't actually turn out to be a large.  Seriously.

Not only that, but sometimes you just don't carry my size period.  What is this supposed to tell me?  Do you think that girls who have my body size simply don't exist?  Fun fact: they do.  BLARRGHH.  How frustrating.  Apparently girls like me with this size in jeans and this size in bra simply do not exist.  I am in my 20s.  I am not a 12 year old.  I am not shopping in the 12 year old section.

My problem is that everything in the store is too big for me.  Boo-hoo, yeah, I know.  But wouldn't you be frustrated if every store you went to simply did not have many things that fit you and enhanced your appearance?  And I know that some girls have a different problem, that nothing there fits them because it's all too small, or that some parts fit but not the others, the waist is perfect but the legs are too long or short, etc. etc.

How does anyone buy clothes that fit them?!

Or, why are there standard sizes that everyone's expected to fit into?  I mean, half the stuff doesn't fit me because I'm too short, half of it because the companies expect me to have the figure of a Barbie doll (which means grapefruit sized breasts), half of it because I'm way too skinny, etc.  Not to mention the fact that more often than not, colors totally clash with my skin tone so I can't wear those anyway.

Whatever.  It's not like I have the money to actually go shopping that often anyway.  I just wanted some long sleeved shirts and a couple of bras.  >_>

Please tell me that other people have problems like this too, right?  -sigh-


  1. YES YES YES! Well in a different way, but YES. I really hate Kohl's now (I think this is the store you are ranting about?) Either I have now become way chubbier than I used to be in some areas or there sizes have gotten super effed up.

    Most of the time I need a medium for waist/arms and a large/extra large for chest which is freaking ridiculous. I hate it. If I try to shop in women's the problem is that there clothes are just not as fashionable for the most part. I hate Kohl's and that's probably why I haven't gone shopping in FOREVER.

    Bras. Kohl's has a really limited range of sizes and doesn't carry mine at all...not even in the ugliest designs. Also, there bras are pretty bad quality to be honest (you get what you pay for I suppose..)

  2. Yes, Kohl's is the store I'm ranting about. I literally cried the last two or three times I went shopping period, simply because I could find nothing that fit me, and it made me feel like I wasn't thought of as an existing person (or body type)? Like I didn't matter, so don't bother making clothes for me because no one who looks like me exists.

    It is a pain that sizes are standardized because not a lot of people seem to fit these standards well. Or maybe that's just Kohl's.

    Yeah. Bought some bras from JCP but I will have to return them because (get this) it's too small. Blegh. One cup size up is waay too big, one number size up makes it too loose but the cups then fit, etc. So lame.

  3. H&M FTW! that's the only store where i have actually found clothes that fit me well, aren't shitty quality, and pretty decently priced.

  4. I mean, I guess I haven't really given them a chance because I think they're kinda expensive at times, but whatever. It's a good idea. I don't know if their jeans would ever fit me or be worth it to me, because up to this point only Wet Seal makes jeans that'll actually fit me (00). Except I wonder whether I still am that size? But all of my jeans are now too big on me! SO basically I have no clue.

    Yeah, then the problem is quality. Wet seal jeans are okay, but their shirts and other stuff are not that great...
