Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Real life plastic-faced barbies.

Since we're on break, I decided to take a trip back to our high school and visit some teachers.  Everything was all good and dandy with that ... but the students are something else.

I felt so utterly uncomfortable when I was around them ... they just look at me and I can feel them judging me.  Okay, so I'm a short brown girl with a huge (yet empty) backpack, rambunctious cackle, giant frizzy puffy hair, and glasses. --> NERD.

Whatever, I'd rather be a nerd than a skank.

I can't comprehend the HOARDS of girls I saw today dressing skankily in pajamas.  I didn't know pajamas could even be skanky.  These skanks were wearing their pajama pants super duper low, and wearing teeny shirts that exposed their midriffs ... and their faces were CAKED on with plastic looking makeup.

If you're going to take the time and make yourself up the way someone completes a coloring book, then why don't you take the extra five minutes to wear something that looks acceptable?!  Better yet, if you're too lazy to wear pajamas why do you even bother making yourself look like a living version of Barbie?  It's disgusting.  I can still see where all of your imperfections are ... except now they're caked over with whatever gross thing you decided to slather all over your face.

Why do you people feel like you need to look like that in order to look acceptable?  That's ridiculous.  I wish I had taken a picture of them.

I couldn't stand the fact that so many of those high schoolers were OBSESSED with appearances and didn't care much for the actual reason they were there--which was to get an education.

Now that I've entered college, I've found that a lot has changed.  Sure, there are a bunch of typical sorostitutes who are just as bubble-headed and plastic as these girls in high school, but at least most people who are at college are there for a purpose (and they realize it).  I hope to never see a girl with a painted face wearing pajamas.

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