Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hormone Therapy or Anger Management?

Going home is impossible.  I hate it.  It is never a good thing.  It is the roller coaster from hell that I cannot get off of.  I miss it so much when I leave, but when I come back I realize how much I hate it.

Today, I thought it would be fun to have a friend over.  She was in the same town I was, and when my mom, who also works in the same town, swung by to pick me up, I asked her if we could go pick up my friend.  She drove a whole mile out of her way to pick my friend up.  During this mile, all she b!tched about was HOW EXPENSIVE the gas was to go a WHOLE circle around the town.

That was when I knew I should have not opened my mouth and I should have just pretended to be that super duper oppressed daughter I was all throughout high school.  Whoops.  Instead, I told her that she had no concept of distance (mistake #1), pulled out a calculator (mistake #2), and told her that the amount of money she was flipping a sh!t about totaled to be $0.13 (mistake #3), taking into consideration our 24 MPG, the mile or so we traveled around town, and the price of gas here (which is about $3.60).

She reluctantly drove to a parking lot, b!tched about how this was spending so much money on gas, and then waited for my friend.  My friend finally came, and when she said that her parents could not pick her up, my mom sort of refused to let her come home with me.  She did not directly say anything, but that's the worst part.  That meant that her silence could be (and was) twisted into something totally different from her actual b!tchtastic motive of "saving money".  I mean, I can understand wanting to save money, but she was just behaving so ridiculously.  What the f*ck.  So, my friend left and that was the end of that.

Or not.  Because as soon as I got home, sh!t hit the fan for the second time.  I decide to tell my dad how crazy I think my mom was being ... and then of course when she explains herself, somehow she makes me look like a bad person.  Oh no, I wanted to take a "totally unnecessary" trip to go pick up and then potentially drop off a friend (who lives about 20 or so minutes away from me).

What the f*ck.  Who the hell are you to deem my business unnecessary?  Is seeing friends unnecessary?  IT SHOULDN'T BE.  And THIS is why I had no friends in high school (although when I confronted my parents about this, they said that I was talking out of my a$$, basically).  I hate this.

I do have five people coming over this Saturday in preparation for an awesome camping trip.  My mom does not want them to come over, and she has yet to give a reason for this.  I have NO clue why.  My brother got to have 4 or 5 of his lunatic friends over, and they got to make noise until 5 AM.  I can't have my friends over?  For ONE night?!?

Menopausal or psychotic?  YOU DECIDE!  (Hahhahhahaha.  But seriously, this infuriates me.)  So far, I've been the good and obedient daughter who will eventually back down because of guilt.  I feel bad yelling at my parents.  Perhaps I need to get over this, though, and get better at "negotiating."

My dad decided to buy me a car, which I'm very grateful for.  However, he told me to minimize my time on the road and to not take "unnecessary trips."  It's situations like this that make me wonder what is going to be considered necessary and what won't be.  He asked me to make sure no one else drives it, collect gas money from people, and to not do other people favors.  He also asked me not to travel around the country (which is one of the things I was planning on doing once I had a car).  What the f*ck.  I get a taste of freedom, but there are still so many restrictions.  Am I imagining unfairness?  AUGH.  I don't even know anymore.

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